Koi Temple Prologue

Feb. 2023
Virtual Scene | Video Production | Storytelling

A construction of a virtual koi fish temple.

Welcome to the virtual koi temple. Here, you can gain the protection and the good luck forwarded by the koi virtually and easily. Since “forwarding the koi fish” became a new cyber way of praying for good luck, a subtle but struggling relationship between the virtual and ritual belief and capital utilization in the real world can be found.

The belief in koi fish is illusional, but it has been utilized and solidified by the market. What if there could be a place to hold this incongruity? This is a porlogue video that shows both the aesthetic and the concept of the experience.

Unreal Engine 5, Touch Designer, Blender, Nomad

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Mar. 2023
UX Research | UX Design

An automatic task and time management solution for procrastination.

Hi Astronaut! Finish your task on time and gain a new star to enlarge your own galaxy!

User Experience research, Figma, Adobe Illustration

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'Someone died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know.'

Dec. 2022
Text Design | Immersive Experience | Video Installation

A text-based scenario curated inspired by the first chapter of The Stranger by Albert Camus.

What are we doing when we deny all emotions and all outward forms? What are we left with?

Touch Designer, Projector, Paper

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Nov. 2022
Video Recording | Responsive System

‘Controlling the led with a button, I turned the led on everytime I found my eye blinking. I tried to imitate the way that algorithm and machine learning see the world as accurate as possible, but it was not an easy case‘

输入/文字!tried to explore the relationship between human reaction and machine behavior. The process is analog and primitive. A button is connected to a small LED light bulb, and a computer may simply be programmed to light it up at the exact time. But the human reaction is not necessarily. Keeping track of blinks is boring but difficult. It's not an easy job.

Arduino, Video Editor, LED

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A Refrigerator

Nov. 2022
Physical Installation | Interactive Experience | Story Prototyping

This project is a scenario setup for a science fiction device, Predictor.

[By now you’ve probably seen a Predictor; millions of them have been sold by the time you’re reading this. For those who haven’t seen one, it’s a small device, like a remote for opening your car door. Its only features are a button and a big green LED. The light flashes if you press the button. Specifically, the light flashes one second before you press the button.]

The setting of having a refrigerator is life based but sometimes no sense. Same as life. There are many things that people are used to doing without being able to say why. Pressing a button on a refrigerator is the same. 

Arduino, Cardboard, Ultrasonic Sensor, Button, LED

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Botanic Citizen Illusion

Oct. 2022
City Design | Video Installation | Storytelling

A tour of a decentralized city based on the plant system for the Emergent City project.

This is a hyperthree-dimensional space. The city works like a system of interconnected rhizomes in plants. Residents work among the blocks and constantly move through them. In the process, the identity of residents is constantly changing. Nothing is permanent here: identity, address, job, currency, relationships. Everything is fluid, but everything is connected.

Touch Designer, Projector, Paper

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Oct. 2022
25’ x 11’ Printed
Self-mapping | Image Documentation | Data Collection

I started a journal, but not by writing.

Scrolling through my personal photo albums, logos and food fill my life. I feel like I'm being filled by them. To do this, I kept track of all the food I consumed for two weeks. They make me, and I make them.

Procreate, Image Documentation

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Self-Portrait 02

Sept. 2022
25’ x 11’ Printed
Self-mapping | Image Documentation | Data Collection

I started a journal, but not by writing.

I was asked to use the software Measure, which comes with the Apple system, to draw a self-portrait. I began to think about the relationship between distance and the individual. From near to far, I divide them into three kinds: appearance, space and existence.

In terms of appearance, distance can define beauty and ugliness. For the size of the features, the proportions of the body, size is always a standard that can be used to measure these things.

To enlarge more, the possession of space is also a kind of self-expression.

What about existence? If it is just a moment, a place, can human existence be defined? Can it be everywhere?

’Measure’ App on iOS