A Family Photo

Nov. 2021
Parafiction | Photo Editing | Research and Storytelling

A Family Photo is a parafiction and narration aiming at reflecting the Chinese real estate policy through history and its impact. By looking at the degree of alienation among each person in a family over a period of time, the project is trying to connect and question about the tension between the family atmosphere which should have been warm and cozy with the consequence of the policy as time went by.

The setting of the project contains photographs aligned with certain narrations and a set of keys that represent the symbol of houses. The audience would start their journey by looking at the photos and the narration beside them. The narration and the photos would have no relationship with the idea of “family problems raised by housing and housing policies”. However, after making the connection with the real object, the key, I would like to provoke their thought on the situation.

NOTE: all the photos are from the Internet, please contact me if you are offended, the photos will be deleted in time.

velour printed photo, stickers, pvc, metal